Myron Humble Biography
I was born and raised in central Pennsylvania near Olmstead Air Force Base, Middletown near Harrisburg. Every day I watched Air Force airplanes flying overhead, Mustangs, Sabres, Super Sabres, Voodoos, Dakotas and many others. Naturally like most boys I dreamed of flying. Adding to that was that my father was an aviation Mechanic in the U.S Navy in WW2 and flew in PBY Catalina patrol planes. I was an avid reader of stories about ships and flying, especially ships. I wrote book reports about ships and the sea and that got me good grades. My first venture at writing. My favorites were C.S. Forester’s Hornblower series. My fascination with ships and the sea shaped my future.
I joined the US Navy in 1960 and was stationed at Guantanamo Bay for 18 months and afterward on the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) the navy’s first nuclear powered aircraft carrier during the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962.
After the service I attended a community college to learn electronics and worked at various engineering technician jobs for GE in Lynchburg Virginia and Flight Systems in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania before moving to Canada. I repaired and calibrated electronic instruments and assisted engineers testing new designs.
While living in Lynchburg Virginia I accomplished one dream. I learned to fly in a J-3 Piper Cub. I soloed and advanced to fly a cross-country solo flight. Unfortunately, it proved to be an expensive hobby and I did not continue with that but still entertained the dream. I even spent time on the Microsoft flight sim, a poor substitute for the real thing.
During my time in Virginia a huge change occurred in my life. I came to realize I was missing the most important thing in life. Even though I had gone to church all during my childhood and youth, and knew most of the stories of the bible, the church and God were not playing a big place in my life and I began to feel the emptiness. All my success, in the navy, in electronics, and flying, I was not satisfied and felt lost and aimless with a sense of hopelessness for the future. One night I prayed for God to come into my life an make me what he wanted me to be.
I had been hearing the gospel message over and over, from my brother, who came to the Lord in 1960, and finally in a little rural church in Virginia. From the time I asked God to come into my life I found I had a deep hunger to know the Lord, and I began to study the bible and attend to worship where ever I found myself. I have grown to love my Lord above anything else. He is the center of my life and dreams and hopes.
I had a hunger for the Word of God and I took bible study courses with Liberty Bible School, Moody Bible Institute, and Navigators. I had an insatiable appetite for the writings of notable Christians, Charles Spurgeon, Ironsides, A.W. Tozer, Jonathan Edwards, Watchman Nee and others.
From 1968 to now I have served in ministries in various churches, Southern Baptist, independent ministries, Plymouth Brethren, Associated Gospel Churches in Canada and Christian and the Missionary Alliance.
I also participated in summer missions to the native people of northern Canada in Northern Saskatchewan and I am currently a member at Sheridan Park Family Church, a CMA ministry, in Mississauga Ontario Canada.
My writing. As I mentioned I began writing in high school with book reports and apparently did quite well as those were my best marks. Over the years I kept many notes, ideas for stories. I filled many note books. After I began to follow Jesus and while studying and leading in ministries I filled notebooks of bible studies.
So, when I began to write fiction novels I incorporated a Christian theme. Many of the bible characters, Johathan, David, Daniel and others led adventurous lives while staying true to their faith. They were not perfect and had flaws. They were men after God’s heart, that is to say they pursued righteousness despite their flaws.
My favorite verse in the bible is: Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your steps.”
One story took form around the character of Michael Hunter, the central character of Treasures. Other stories grew of him and his family and it has become a series. I did not think of publishing at first, it was just a hobby. After experiencing a spell of depression my life focus changed. I quit my electronic engineering job and found myself looking for a job as a senior citizen.
I took a Creative Writing course with Stratford Career Institute in Ontario and began to put together my first manuscript. While putting that together I became intrigued by a church youth group’s presentation of the Christmas story and wrote The Scribe and the Sword, a fictional imagining of a scribe named Samuel and his encounter with Mary and Joseph and Jesus. This book is now in the works.
After years of searching for and trying, unsuccessfully, to publish, this past year 2024 I began an association with Gotham Publishing and launched my first novel, TREASURES, in December. We are now working on THE SCRIBE AND THE SWORD and I hope to have that available in the next few months.
And then the Lord willing I will continue with the saga of Michael Hunter. the story takes a strange twist but still includes the Christian theme. Following TREASURES, the story continues in THE QUARTERMASTER following Michael in the navy. After that comes PROVIDENCE, then SALEM. Then the story, the saga continues following his family in VAGABOND, BOSTON, MARY, PATRIOTS, and finally, the Lord willing THE CAPITOL.
I want to invite everyone to journey with me as we follow Michael’s adventures.